Do I Need Apple Mac To Build Iphone App

Whether this is your first Apple computer or you are just looking to upgrade, this guide will walk you through what things to look for when buying a Mac for app development. If you're wondering if you even need a Mac to make apps, check out this post.

Build a landing page for your app and build a pre-launch email list: It’s important that you have a landing page for your app at the very least so that people have somewhere to visit to learn more about your app. Make sure you add a call to action for people to sign up to a pre-launch email list to get notified when the app.


Xcode is the program we use to make apps for the Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. It's created by the fine folks at Apple and is free to download. You need to make sure that the Mac you buy can run the latest version of Xcode. A good way to know if a Mac can run the latest version is to check if the operating system version is compatible with the latest version of Xcode. You can do this by searching for Xcode on the Mac App Store or by checking this page. At the time of writing, the latest version of Xcode is 6.3.1 and requires OS X Yosemite. You would want to then make sure that the Mac you buy can install or run OS X Yosemite.


In my experience, RAM is going to have the biggest impact on your coding experience. The more RAM your machine has, the more smoothly your coding will go. At a minimum, you need at least 4 GB. This isn't ideal but it will work. 8 GB is going to be the most bang for your buck. Most people don't need more than that. However, if you got the dough... 16 GB or more is going to provide the smoothest experience. The difference from 4 GB to 8 is huge. 8 to 16 is slightly better, but might not be worth the money.

Please note that with most new Apple products the RAM cannot be upgraded. So if you are buying a new machine, maybe buy a little more than you actually need so that your machine will be more 'future proof'. If you are buying an older Mac, check online to see if you can upgrade the ram. Crucial has a good guide.

Buying New

I always recommend buying a retail Apple Store or from the official Apple website. They have the best customer service and are great with returns if you ever need one. If you are involved with education in any way (student, teacher, faculty, home school) you can get a pretty good discount through Apple Education Pricing.

Buying Used

If you're buying used, you want to make sure you're buying a machine that works. Because of that, I highly recommend Craigslist. You can meet up with the seller and test the machine out for a while. Another option is eBay but there is some risk with whether what you're buying actually works. I have also heard that some universities have IT clearance sales where they sell old technology for cheap. This could also be a great option.

Do i need a mac to build ios apps


Your three options here are a Mac Pro, an iMac, or a Mac Mini. For the Mac Pro and the Mac Mini please note that you'll have to provide your own monitor, mouse, and keyboard. All of these can be found at a second hand goods store for under $100. So now the question is which do you buy? If ya filthy rich and you know it, get the trash can. No better machine on the planet in my opinion.

So you're not filthy rich eh? Well the question is then between the iMac and the Mini. The Mini is definitely going to be cheaper. Even after getting your keyboard, monitor, and mouse the Mini is a much better deal. So if you have the budget for it, the iMac is very stylish and is a solid machine.


Do I Need Apple Mac To Build Iphone App

Maybe the biggest reason to get a laptop is the portability. I personally have a MacBook Pro and I love taking it to programming meetups, the library, on the plane, and tons of other places. Portablity rocks :)

The big value buy in laptops is the MacBook Pro that does not have a retina screen. The hard drive and RAM can both be upgraded. This is a great way to make a really fast machine. But, the retina MacBooks are VERY nice on the eyes. Also when working on a smaller laptop screen, the retinas are going to make you feel like you have more space. Then comes the question of 13' vs 15' screen. For me, the 15' is just too big. For other, they love the extra space on the 15' and claim they can't live without it. Personal preference on this one.

Also, the MacBook air and the new super slim MacBook are a fine option for making apps. I have heard the 11' Macbook air can be really frustrating with it's tiny screen but I know people that make it work.

The Final Word

So there are a lot of great Macs out there. The most important thing to be sure of is that your Mac will run Xcode. After that, the rest is really just personal preference. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions. And if you have a Mac, I'd love to hear which one and why you like or dislike it :)

We review all apps and app updates submitted to the App Store in an effort to determine whether they are reliable, perform as expected, respect user privacy, and are free of objectionable content. As you plan and build your app, use these guidelines and resources to help your app approval go as smoothly as possible.

Preparing apps for review

Get familiar with the App Store Review Guidelines, Apple Developer Program License Agreement, and learn more about submitting your app for review.

App Store Review Guidelines

Before you submit your app, it’s important to become familiar with the technical, content, and design criteria that we use to review all apps outlined in the App Store Review Guidelines.

Apple Developer Program License Agreement

The Apple Developer Program License Agreement details your obligations and responsibilities for the use of Apple software and services. The latest agreement can be found on the Terms and Conditions page.

Providing App Review information

If your app requires specific settings, user account information, or special instructions, include these details in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect. If you don’t include this information, the app review process may be delayed and your app could be rejected.

For more details, see App Store Connect Help.

Review status

Once you’ve submitted your app for review, you can view its status in the My Apps section of App Store Connect or on the App Store Connect App for iPhone and iPad. Review times may vary by app. On average, 50% of apps are reviewed in 24 hours and over 90% are reviewed in 48 hours. If your submission is incomplete, review times may be further delayed or your app may be rejected. Once your app has been reviewed, its status will be updated and you will be notified.

For more details, see App Store Connect Help.

Avoiding common app rejections

We’ve highlighted some of the most common issues that cause apps to get rejected to help you better prepare your apps before submitting them for review.

Crashes and bugs

You should submit your app for review only when it is complete and ready to be published. Make sure to thoroughly test your app on devices running the latest software and fix all bugs before submitting. For apps already on the App Store that may have minor guideline issues, bug fixes can be approved as long as there are no legal concerns.

Broken links

All links in your app must be functional. A link to user support with up-to-date contact information and a link to your privacy policy is required for all apps.

Placeholder content

Finalize all images and text in your app before sending it in for review. Apps that are still in progress and contain placeholder content are not ready to be distributed and cannot be approved.

Requesting Permission

When requesting permission to access user or usage data, you should clearly and completely describe how your app will use the data. Including an example can help users understand why your app is requesting access to their personal information.

If your app’s code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data, the app’s Info.plist file should contain a $!{infoPlistKey} key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. All apps submitted to the App Store that access user data are required to include a purpose string.

Inaccurate screenshots

App Store screenshots should accurately communicate your app’s value and functionality. Use text and overlay images to highlight your app’s user experience, not obscure it. Make sure app UI and product images match the corresponding device type in App Store Connect. This helps users understand your app and makes for a positive App Store experience.

Incomplete information

Enter all of the details needed to review your app in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect. If some features require signing in, provide a valid demo account username and password. If there are special configurations to set, include the specifics. If features require an environment that is hard to replicate or require specific hardware, be prepared to provide a demo video or the hardware. Also, please make sure your contact information is complete and up-to-date.

Substandard user interface

Apple places a high value on clean, refined, and user-friendly interfaces. Make sure your UI meets these requirements by planning your design carefully and following our design guides and UI Design Dos and Don’ts.

Web clippings, content aggregators, or a collection of links

Do I Need Apple Mac To Build Iphone App Download

Your app should be engaging and useful, and make the most of the features unique to iOS. Websites served in an iOS app, web content that is not formatted for iOS, and limited web interactions do not make a quality app.

Repeated submission of similar apps

Submitting several apps that are essentially the same ties up the App Review process and risks the rejection of your apps. Improve your review experience — and the experience of your future users — by thoughtfully combining your apps into one.

Misleading users

Your app must perform as advertised and should not give users the impression the app is something it is not. If your app appears to promise certain features and functionalities, it needs to deliver.

Not enough lasting value

If your app doesn’t offer much functionality or content, or only applies to a small niche market, it may not be approved. Before creating your app, take a look at the apps in your category on the App Store and consider how you can provide an even better user experience.

Contacting Us

You can contact us to get details on your app’s status, ask for clarification on a rejection, appeal a rejection, request an expedited review, suggest guideline changes, and more.

Resolution Center

If your app has been rejected, the Resolution Center in App Store Connect provides more information, including any specific App Review Guidelines that your app did not follow. You can access the Resolution Center on the App Summary or Version Details pages in App Store Connect.

Do I Need Apple Mac To Build Iphone App

App Review Board

You have the option to appeal the rejection of an app if you believe that the functionality or technical implementation was misunderstood. Submit additional details to the App Review Board to help them determine if your app should be reconsidered.

Do I Need Apple Mac To Build Iphone Apps

Help improve the App Review Guidelines or identify a need for clarity in our policies by suggesting guideline changes. Your suggestions will be taken into consideration by App Review.

Expedited App Review

Do I Need Apple Mac To Build Iphone App Store

You can request the review of your app to be expedited if you face extenuating circumstances, such as fixing a critical bug in your app or releasing your app to coincide with an event you’re directly associated with.

When submitting an expedited review to fix a critical bug, include the steps to reproduce the bug on the current version of your app. For apps associated with an event, we recommend you plan and schedule the release of your app in App Store Connect. However, if your app is still in review and the launch of your event is quickly approaching, you can request to have your app review expedited. Make sure your request includes the event, date of the event, and your app’s association with the event.

Do You Need A Mac To Build Ios Apps

Expedited reviews are granted on a limited basis and we cannot guarantee that every request will be expedited.