On Mac How Tell An App Is Running

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  • Apple silicon Macs can run many iPad and iPhone apps as-is, and these apps will be made available to users on the Mac through the Mac App Store. Discover how iPad and iPhone apps run on Apple silicon Macs, and the factors that make your apps come across better. Learn how to test your app for the Mac, and hear about your options for distribution of your apps.


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    Hello and welcome to WWDC.

    Welcome to 'iPad and iPhone Apps on Apple Silicon Macs.' My name is Jason Beaver, and I'll be joined later by my colleagues James Snee and Patrick Heynen.

    As you may have seen in the Keynote or State of the Union talks, Big Sur on Apple Silicon allows you to run iOS apps natively on the Mac without recompilation.

    The Mac is a robust platform for development that enables all kinds of apps. There's everything from powerful desktop apps to web-based experiences and graphic-intensive games. These experiences are all powered by our dedicated UI frameworks.

    In macOS Catalina, we added the ability to build your iOS apps for the Mac with Mac Catalyst. Mac Catalyst makes UIKit a native peer to these other UI frameworks on the Mac and enables you to bring your iOS apps over to the Mac as first-class experiences.

    You can refer to last year's 'Introducing iPad Apps for Mac' session to hear all about how we did this.

    Mac Catalyst requires building your app with the macOS SDK and gives you the ability to customize and optimize your application to take full advantage of the Mac.

    In macOS Big Sur, we are leveraging this Mac Catalyst infrastructure to enable running your existing iOS apps as-is on Apple Silicon-based Macs.

    Here, 'as-is' really means 'as-is.' We enable the user on the Mac to purchase or download, through the Mac App Store, the application you've already made available on the iOS App Store. It is the exact same binary.

    Because these apps use the same underlying infrastructure that is used for Mac Catalyst apps, the same unified frameworks and the same iOS frameworks brought over and integrated with the Mac, your iPad and iPhone apps get a tremendous amount of behavior automatically, making them feel right at home on the Mac.

    However, they don't have access to all that a Mac app would like to offer. If you want to take your iOS applications further on the Mac, create a Mac Catalyst version by checking that switch in Xcode. This will give you the ability to customize your app's behavior on the Mac, as well as allow you to distribute your application on all Macs, not just those running Apple Silicon.

    For your app to be available in the Mac App Store, it must be compatible with the Mac.

    Your app can't be dependent on an unavailable symbol or framework, it can't be dependent on missing functionality in existing frameworks, and it can't be dependent on hardware capabilities that don't exist on the Mac.

    Compatible iOS apps are automatically available in the Mac App Store, but you can manage the availability of your app in App Store Connect. You might choose not to make your iOS app available in the Mac App Store if you already have a Mac app or are planning on shipping one or if your app doesn't make sense on the Mac.

    Patrick will discuss this further later in the session.

    Most existing iPad and iPhone apps run great on macOS, but the environment has some differences that you should be aware of.

    These fall into three categories: hardware differences, UI differences and system software differences. Let's start with hardware differences.

    iOS is built around a direct, multi-touch interaction model, but macOS is built around an indirect, cursor-based interaction model.

    The infrastructure automatically maps many multi-touch gestures, but if your application uses custom touch handling, you should test whether your application is compatible with the Mac. If your application supports keyboard entry as an alternative to your custom touch handling, that will also help your app be more compatible with the Mac, as well as a better experience on iOS.

    iOS devices have a range of sensors that aren't available on Macs, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, depth-sensing cameras and GPS.

    By dynamically confirming in your code that the appropriate sensor is present, you can ensure that your app is compatible with the entire range of iOS devices, as well as compatible with the Mac.

    Note that not all APIs that are dependent on these sensors fail to work on the Mac.

    For example, even though Macs do not contain GPS receivers, they do support Core Location and can provide position information to your app, though it will be less precise than it would be with GPS.

    iOS devices typically just have front- and rear-facing cameras. Macs, on the other hand, may have built-in front-facing cameras, like in our laptops and some desktops, but may also include cameras built into external displays or cameras plugged in via USB.

    iOS apps may not be prepared to deal with all of these configurations, but using the AVCaptureDeviceDiscoverySession instead of enumerating all of the AV capture devices will allow us to ensure that your app has access to the most appropriate camera for your needs.

    Now, let's talk about some UI differences.

    As we discussed before, iOS apps automatically get a great deal of system behavior from macOS.

    This will necessarily look and behave differently than on iOS devices. For example, alerts and pop-ups may show up in different locations on the Mac and Open and Save panels will show in separate windows.

    This means that it's important that your app does not hard-code any assumptions about the UI, like the location of system UI, since those assumptions might be wrong when running on the Mac.

    On macOS, windows are typically resizable by the user. If your iPad app already supports multitasking on iOS, it will be fully resizable on macOS.

    This means that it can run at a wide range of sizes, not just the small number of fixed sizes supported by iOS multitasking.

    Using Auto Layout will help you ensure that your app can run correctly at any size.

    Window resize is also live on macOS. Optimizing the performance of your application layout will improve the resize experience on the Mac and make your app even more responsive when multitasking on iOS.

    If your iPad app does not support multitasking, or if you have an iPhone app, it will run in a fixed-size window and will not be resizable.

    Now let's look at some of the system software differences. On iOS, apps live in a standard location, but on macOS, the user can move the app wherever they would like.

    Your app's data containers are also in a different location on the Mac.

    If you're using the Foundation APIs to locate items in the file system, all of this will be transparent to you, and your app will behave correctly when running on the Mac.

    Some system APIs will reveal that your application is running on a Mac.

    For example, if you've hard-coded parts of your system, whether on the device or on your servers, to expect only the devices iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, you will likely encounter problems when running your iOS application on the Mac.

    It is better to ensure your software robustly handles unexpected values and falls back to some default behavior.

    Other device properties, such as screen size, can vary dramatically across Macs, and your application should not make the assumption that it will match one of the screen resolutions in our iOS devices. Now I'd like to hand it over to my colleague James, who will talk about testing and debugging your iOS apps on the Mac.

    Thanks, Jason. Being able to run iPhone and iPad apps natively on the Apple Silicon Mac allows you to reach a whole new set of users.

    And with macOS Big Sur, Apple has done all the hard work to make that possible with minimal to zero effort on your part.

    So I'm sure you want to see how your app looks running on the Apple Silicon Mac. As Jason mentioned, your apps may be making some assumptions about the devices they're running on that are no longer true on the Mac.

    The goal here is to ensure that your apps function correctly and that there aren't any major UI glitches or unexpected behavior.

    The good news is that Xcode has great support for debugging, testing and profiling iPhone and iPad apps natively on the Mac, just as if it were running in a simulator or on an iOS device. Let me show you how that works.

    Here I've got an iOS app project open in Xcode.

    Some of you may recognize it from a previous session.

    In order to run an iOS app on the Apple Silicon Mac, all you need to do is select the new run destination, My Mac, Designed for iPad.

    So let's go ahead and build and run this app.

    I want to call out that this app is building against the iOS SDK, so barring the edge cases Jason mentioned, you don't have to make any source changes in order for this to run.

    So, here we have this iOS app running natively on the Apple Silicon Mac. It's built against the iOS SDK and isn't running in a simulator.

    As I click around the various views, I can verify that it behaves the same as it does on an iPhone.

    As well as running iPhone and iPad apps, we've also brought all of Xcode's great debugging and profiling capabilities along for the ride.

    While an app is running, you can get a high-level view of its performance by checking out Xcode's debug gauges.

    You can see how much CPU time and memory it's consuming, as well as any network and disk I/O it might be performing.

    If you want to take a more targeted look at what your app is doing, you can pause it or set a break point and use one of Xcode's great debugging features, just like you would on an iPhone or iPad. For example, a common use of the debugger is to investigate the state of an app in response to a user action.

    Let me show you how this works with this iOS app running natively on the Mac.

    I'm going to set a break point here in this IBAction method.

    And I'm going to trigger it by clicking on this useful button in the app.

    You'll see, in response to triggering this break point, Xcode presents its debugging interface.

    Once in the debugger, you can make use of all the features you'd expect, such as inspecting variables and evaluating expressions.

    To investigate more specific issues, you can check out the Memory and View debuggers. And for understanding or tracking the performance of your app, you can use Instruments.

    And finally, I'm sure you're wondering about testing. Tests are a great way to verify that your software is behaving as you expect. Let me show you.

    With Xcode, you can run your iOS app XCTest unit tests natively on your Apple Silicon Mac.

    I'm going to execute these tests by clicking Run here in the Test Navigator.

    Like running the app, these tests are being built against the iOS SDK and are running natively.

    Great. The tests pass.

    Xcode provides a great set of tools to help you debug, test and profile iPhone and iPad apps natively on the Apple Silicon Mac.

    And with that, I'll hand it over to Patrick to talk about distributing iPhone and iPad apps for the Mac.

    So, now that we understand how iPad and iPhone apps work, let's talk about how these apps get on the Macs your users and team members will be running.

    The good news is that distribution for your iOS app on the Mac works exactly like it does on iPad or iPhone today.

    All of the workflows you are familiar with today have been seamlessly extended by adding the Mac to the family of devices supported by your app.

    All you really have to do to make your apps available on the Mac is sign the new Developer Agreement, and your compatible apps will be made available on the Mac App Store later this year.

    For new submissions, distribution for the Mac will fit seamlessly into your existing development workflows.

    From the Xcode organizer, you can prepare your app for running on the Mac by exporting through App Store Connect or use any of the local distribution options, such as ad hoc, enterprise or development to distribute versions of your iPad or iPhone app directly to members of your team.

    If your app takes advantage of App Store features, they will all be supported when running your iPad or iPhone app on a Mac.

    Users will have full access to any in-app purchases and subscriptions associated with your iPad or iPhone app when running on Mac and can make new purchases using the StoreKit framework.

    If your app uses on-demand resources to dynamically manage the content downloaded for your app, the experience will be identical when running on a Mac.

    In fact, all App Store features work just like they do on iPad and iPhone.

    App thinning has also been extended to work with deploying to Apple Silicon Macs. App content is automatically selected for best fit for running on a Mac, and inapplicable resources best suited for other iPad or iPhone devices are left out for a streamlined install experience.

    In fact, for app thinning, a new Mac looks just like any other very capable iPad.

    To support this workflow, Xcode has added a new virtual thinning destination for Mac in the Organizer export workflow.

    Use the Mac device to produce an install variant optimized for running or testing on any Apple Silicon Mac.

    Note that because Mac users are accustomed to moving apps seamlessly between machines and removable storage, only a single app variant and thinning target is needed.

    If your app relies on developer or ad hoc distribution, that will work just like it does on iPhone and iPad.

    The good news is that you can get your iPhone or iPad app onto Macs by exporting just like you would for other iOS devices.

    If you take advantage of Over-the-Air installation, distributing to the Mac requires no changes. The Mac will automatically select an appropriate variant from your OTA manifest to download and run on your suitably provisioned Macs.

    For scenarios involving managed devices, iPad and iPhone apps can be pushed to enrolled Macs just like any other device.

    Although distribution to the Mac is incredibly straightforward, the Mac is a distinct platform, and there are some key points to consider when deploying to Mac.

    TestFlight is not available for Mac, so any prerelease distributions ahead of your final submission will need to use ad hoc or development distribution as an alternative to test your app. In addition, as Jason noted earlier, there are limits to iPad and iPhone app run-time compatibility on Mac.

    Xcode will tell you if your app has hard dependencies on symbols or frameworks unavailable on Mac, but it is always a good idea to test your app on Apple Silicon Mac hardware when available in order to evaluate the user experience of your app on a Mac.

    We have made it incredibly easy to get your apps onto the Mac App Store.

    To ensure that your customers will have the best experience with your iOS apps on the Mac, App Store Connect will be providing tools to help you test and validate that experience later this summer.

    Of course, you will still have the choice of whether your apps are available on the Mac App Store.

    Let's look at how you'll control that now.

    After you sign the Developer Agreement, all your compatible apps will automatically be made available on Mac.

    Use App Store Connect to review the status of all of your apps.

    In App Store Connect, the Pricing and Availability page is where you make your choice about whether to distribute your app on the Mac App Store.

    If you don't want this app available on the Mac, simply uncheck this box, and it will no longer be offered for sale on the Mac App Store.

    Note that once your app is made unavailable, Mac users will no longer be able to re-download existing versions of your app until the app is made available on Mac again.

    So, now you know. Your apps can now run natively on Apple Silicon Macs without change. Users will love the ability to run your apps on their desktops.

    Most functionality just works, and the apps run adapted to the familiar Mac user experience.

    Building and debugging is just the tools that you already know and use.

    So all you need to do is test your apps on Apple Silicon Macs to confirm your apps come across well.

    Then you'll have a whole new set of users enjoying your apps from the Mac App Store soon.

    Thank you for watching.

  1. Now apps from both the App Store and the internet can be installed worry-free. App Review makes sure each app in the App Store is reviewed before it’s accepted. Gatekeeper on your Mac ensures that all apps from the internet have already been checked by Apple for known malicious code — before you run them the first time.
  2. The long ribbon of icons at the bottom of the Mac's screen is called the Dock. Clicking apps in the Dock is the primary method of launching them. The Dock also shows the status of applications—for example, whether they're running or needing your attention.


1 day ago  For example, if you were hoping to run the iPad version of YouTube natively on your new MacBook Air, you’re going to be disappointed, as Google has blocked the ability for all of its iOS apps to.

  • Open your Android’s Settings. .
  • Scroll down and tap About phone. It’s at the very bottom of the Settings page.
  • Scroll down to the “Build number” heading. This option is at the bottom of the About Device page.
  • Tap the “Build number” heading seven times.
  • Tap the “Back”
  • Tap Developer options.
  • Tap Running services.

How do I find out what apps are running in the background?

Here’s how to kill applications running in the background.

  1. Launch the recent applications menu.
  2. Find the application(s) you want to close on the list by scrolling up from the bottom.
  3. Tap and hold on the application and swipe it to the right.
  4. Navigate to the Apps tab in settings if your phone’s still running slow.

How can I tell which app is draining my battery?

How to see which apps are draining your Android device’s battery

  • Step 1: Open the main settings area of your phone by pressing the Menu button and then choosing Settings.
  • Step 2: Scroll down in this menu to “About phone” and press it.
  • Step 3: On the next menu, choose “Battery use.”
  • Step 4: Look over the list of apps that are using the battery the most.

How do I see what apps are running in the background on my Galaxy s8?

Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+ – Stop Running Apps

  1. From a Home screen, touch and swipe up or down to display all apps.
  2. From a Home screen, navigate: Settings > Apps .
  3. Ensure All apps is selected (upper-left).
  4. Locate then select the appropriate app.
  5. Tap an app.
  6. Tap FORCE STOP.
  7. Tap FORCE STOP to confirm.

How do I find out what is running in the background of my phone?

Go to Settings > System > About phone. Scroll down and find “Build number” and then tap it seven times. This will enable “Developer options” on your device, and you’ll see a notification that this has happened.

How do you stop apps running in the background on Android?

To stop an app manually via the processes list, head to Settings > Developer Options > Processes (or Running Services) and click the Stop button. Voila! To Force Stop or Uninstall an app manually via the Applications list, head to Settings > Applications > Application manager and select the app you want to modify.

How do I keep apps from running in the background on Android?

Stop and Disable Android apps running in the background

  • To disable an app, go to Settings > Applications > Application Manager.
  • In case you want to stop apps running in the background, simply tap on the “recent apps” navigation button and swipe the app card left or right to force stop it.

What is draining my Android battery so fast?

If no app is draining the battery, try these steps. They can fix issues that could drain battery in the background. To restart your device, press and hold the power button for a few seconds. Open your device’s Settings app .

Why is my cell phone battery draining so fast?

Google services aren’t the only culprits; third-party apps can also get stuck and drain the battery. If your phone keeps killing the battery too fast even after a reboot, check the battery information in Settings. If an app is using the battery too much, Android settings will show it clearly as the offender.

How do I stop apps from draining my Android Battery?

  1. Check which apps are draining your battery.
  2. Uninstall apps.
  3. Never manually close apps.
  4. Remove unnecessary widgets from the home screen.
  5. Turn on Airplane Mode in low-signal areas.
  6. Go Airplane Mode at bedtime.
  7. Turn off notifications.
  8. Don’t let apps wake your screen.

How do I see what apps are running in the background on my Samsung?

Samsung Galaxy S9 / S9+ – Stop Running Apps

  • From a Home screen, swipe up or down from the center of the display to access the apps screen.
  • Navigate: Settings > Apps.
  • Ensure All is selected (upper-left).
  • Locate then select the appropriate app.
  • Tap Force stop.
  • To confirm, review the message then tap Force stop.

How do I stop apps from running in the background on Android?

Method 1 Using Developer Options

  1. Open your Android’s Settings. It’s the.
  2. Scroll down and tap About. It’s near the bottom of the menu.
  3. Locate the “Build number” option.
  4. Tap Build number 7 times.
  5. Tap Running services.
  6. Tap the app you don’t want to start automatically.
  7. Tap Stop.

How do I restrict background data on s8?

Option 2 – Enable/Disable Background Data for Specific Apps

  • From the Home screen, swipe up your app list and open “Settings“.
  • Tap “Apps“.
  • Scroll down and select the app you wish to change the setting for.
  • Choose “Mobile data“.
  • Select “Data usage“.
  • Set “Allow background data usage” to “On” or “Off” as desired.

How do I turn off background apps on my Samsung?

Disabling the background data for Gmail and other Google services:

  1. Begin by having your smartphone turned on.
  2. Tap the Settings option.
  3. Choose the Accounts icon.
  4. Tap Google.
  5. Then tap the account name.
  6. Now, the Google service needs to be unchecked so that it will stop functioning.

What apps are running in the background Android?

In any version of Android, you can also go to Settings > Apps or Settings > Applications > Application manager, and tap on an app and tap Force stop. Older versions of Android have a Running tab in the Apps list, so you can easily see what’s actually running, but this no longer appears in Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

How do I keep Spotify running in the background Android?

Note: If your Samsung phone is running Android 7.0 or later, skip this step and go to the one below.

  • Open your Settings.
  • Tap the Data usage entry.
  • Tap on Background data.
  • Find the app that’s giving you trouble on the list.
  • Make sure the switch beside it is set to enabled.

How do I see what apps are running in the background on my Android?


  1. Open your Android’s Settings. .
  2. Scroll down and tap About phone. It’s at the very bottom of the Settings page.
  3. Scroll down to the “Build number” heading. This option is at the bottom of the About Device page.
  4. Tap the “Build number” heading seven times.
  5. Tap the “Back”
  6. Tap Developer options.
  7. Tap Running services.

How do I turn off apps running in the background?

How to turn off Background App Refresh on iPhone or iPad

  • Launch the Settings app from your Home screen.
  • Tap on General.
  • Tap Background App Refresh.
  • Toggle Background App Refresh to off. The switch will become grayed-out when toggled off.
On mac how tell an app is running back

How do I enable or disable auto start apps in Android programmatically?

Select Developer options>Running services and you’ll be presented with a breakdown of the apps that are currently active, how long they’ve been running, and the impact they have on your system. Choose one and you’ll be given the option to Stop or Report the app. Tap Stop and this should close the software down.

Should you close apps on Android?

When it comes to force closing apps on your Android device, the good news is, you don’t need to do it. Much like Apple’s iOS operating system, Google’s Android is now so well designed that apps you’re not using aren’t draining battery life like they used to.

How can I make my Android battery last longer?

Here are some easy, not-too-compromising methods of boosting your Android phone’s battery life.

  1. Set a rigid bedtime.
  2. Deactivate Wi-Fi when not needed.
  3. Upload and sync only on Wi-Fi.
  4. Uninstall unnecessary apps.
  5. Use push notifications if possible.
  6. Check yourself.
  7. Install a brightness toggle widget.

What does apps running in the background mean?

On Mac How Tell An App Is Running Shoe

When you have an app running, but it’s not the focus on the screen it is considered to be running in the background. This brings up the view of which apps are running and will let you ‘swipe away’ apps you don’t want. When you do so, it closes the app.

Why is my phone battery draining so fast?

If no app is draining the battery, try these steps. They can fix issues that could drain battery in the background. To restart your device, press and hold the power button for a few seconds. If you don’t see “Restart,” press and hold the power button for about 30 seconds, until your phone restarts.

Should I let my phone die?

Myth #3: It’s terrible to let your phone die. Fact: We just told you not to make it a daily habit, but if you want your battery to stretch its legs a bit every now and again, it’s okay to let it run a “full charge cycle,” or to let it die and then charge back up to 100% again.

Which smartphone has best battery life?

Which phones have the best battery life? If you want the best battery life on a smartphone, these are the handsets to consider

  • 3 Huawei P30 Pro.
  • 4 Moto E5 Plus.
  • 5 Huawei Mate 20 X.
  • 6 Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1.
  • 7 Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra.
  • 8 Moto G6.
  • 9 Oppo RX17 Pro.
  • 10 BlackBerry Motion.

What makes your phone battery drain fast?

Jump to a section:

  1. Power-hungry apps.
  2. Replace your old battery (if you can)
  3. Your charger does not work.
  4. Google Play Services battery drain.
  5. Switch off auto-brightness.
  6. Shorten your screen timeout.
  7. Watch out for widgets and background apps.

Running Mac Apps On Windows

Why is my Android OS draining my battery?

Check which apps drain your battery. Just go to Settings >> Device >> Battery or Settings >> Power >> Battery Use, or Settings >> Device >> Battery, depending on your version of Android OS, to see a list of all your apps, and approximately how much battery power each is using.

Which apps are draining my battery?

The 10 worst apps for draining battery life, which users run themselves, are:

  • Samsung WatchON.
  • Samsung Video Editor.
  • Netflix.
  • Spotify Music.
  • Snapchat.
  • Clean Master.
  • LINE: Free Calls & Messages.
  • Microsoft Outlook.

What happens when you restrict background data?

“Foreground” refers to the data used when you’re actively using the app, while “Background” reflects the data used when the app is running in the background. If you notice an app is using too much background data, scroll down to the bottom and check “Restrict background data.”

On Mac How Tell An App Is Running Faster

How do I stop apps from running in the background on my Samsung Galaxy s8?

Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+ – Stop Running Apps

On Mac How Tell An App Is Running Better

  1. From a Home screen, touch and swipe up or down to display all apps. These instructions apply to Standard mode and the default Home screen layout.
  2. Navigate: Settings > Apps .
  3. Ensure All apps is selected (upper-left).
  4. Locate then select the appropriate app.
  5. Tap an app.
  6. Tap Force stop.
  7. Tap Force stop to confirm.

How do I restrict background data on Android 7?

Restrict background data usage by app (Android 7.0 & lower)

  • Open your device’s Settings app .
  • Tap Network & internet Data usage.
  • Tap Mobile data usage.
  • To find the app, scroll down.
  • To see more details and options, tap the app’s name. “Total” is this app’s data usage for the cycle.
  • Change background mobile data usage.

Photo in the article by “Wikimedia Commons” https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FOSS_applications_running_on_lineage_14.1.png

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